



I genuinely have a passion for helping individuals achieve their optimal health and wellness goals. Whether you require specific gentle musculoskeletal alignment due to postural habits; pain relief from an acute injury or a chronic condition; stretching for tight, achy muscles; foundational movement exercises to increase range of motion; or soothing and nurturing touch to calm the nervous system from everyday tension brought on by physical or emotional stressors—I will tailor your treatment accordingly. I often integrate a variety of techniques during a treatment session depending on what your needs are and what I discover requires specific attention to get to the root cause.

I have over 17 years of bodywork experience. Many of those years spent working as a massage therapist at beautiful destinations such as The Bridges, Rancho Valencia, Terranea, Four Seasons and L'Auberge in Del Mar. I have also worked in clinical settings working closely with acupuncturists and chiropractors.

Currently, in my private practice I provide manual therapy in a safe, peaceful, healing and learning setting without the sense of feeling rushed or a need to end the treatment on time. Making sure you feel heard about your health concerns is an integral part of my holistic approach to gaining your trust, facilitating healing and fostering wellness. This is also an opportunity for you to learn about how your body can function better in a healthier and more mobile capacity.

I vow to expand my knowledge by continuing to take Continuing Educational courses within the realm of Bodywork; Mindfulness; Energetic Healing; Proper Nutrition, Mobility and Self-Growth. Deepening my skills is a life-long journey. As one of my favorite instructors, Dr. Erik Dalton, often says, “the truly educated never graduate”. I couldn’t agree more—feeding my mind and giving from my heart is the key to having abundance and living a meaningful life.

John F. Barnes' Myofascial Release Therapy (MFR), Erik Dalton’s Myoskeletal Alignment Therapy (MAT), Klose Training for Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD), The International Professional School of Bodywork, Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, Esalen Institute and Paul Kelly’s Physiokinetix, are just a few schools and programs I've attended for the specialties I offer.

Beyond my passion for bodywork I love to travel, read, dance, listen to music, hike at local trails and play at the beach with my puppy Franklin. I appreciate and enjoy the simple pleasures of life’s blessings.

I make an effort to practice what I encourage all my clients to incorporate in their life by staying active, eating healthy and taking time to care for myself on a physical and spiritual level. Due to the aging process, it is important for me to keep my own body moving to prevent muscles and joints from dehydrating, solidifying and constricting. As one of the most elite personal trainers I’ve been fortunate enough to work with emphasizes, “mobility, stability, power and performance can progressively remove dysfunction from our body, while functionally restoring neurologically inhibited movement patterns”. So, get up out of that chair or sofa, get out in nature and move for life!

I'm here to help you with a holistic treatment approach that puts your life back in motion and offers you profoundly effective, long term, permanent health benefits for body, mind and soul.